|| Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

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respects each individual’s right to personal privacy. We will collect and use information through our Web site only in the ways disclosed in this statement.

This statement applies solely to information collected at Website.

Part I Information Collection. collects information through our Web site at several points. We collect the following information about primary visitors: Name, address, email, phone, and company name when a reservation is made with us.

Hotel Reservations do not actively market to children, and we never knowingly ask a child under 13 to divulge personal information.

We employ cookies. A cookie is a small text file that our Web server places on a user’s computer hard drive to be a unique identifier. Cookies enable to track usage patterns and deliver customized content to users. Our cookies do not collect personally identifiable information.

Part II Information Usage. The personal information that we gather is used solely for identification and reservation purposes and for managing online accounts. Hotel Reservations do not sell or otherwise exploit personal information. Hotel Reservations may gather generic and non-identifying information for marketing purposes for use by and, in some

instances, by our affiliates. Information about your activity on the site may be automatically collected when you log in and is used for the sole purpose of improving the Website.

We offer links to other Web sites. Please note: When you click on links to other Web sites, we encourage you to read their privacy policies. Their standards may differ from ours. If our policy on information collection or uses changes, we will advise you by updating this policy on our web site.

Part III Access to Information. strives to maintain the accuracy of our information. Users may access their own personal information and contact us about inaccuracies they may find by contacting us at the email address below. Users may also delete their information from our database by contacting us at the same address. In both cases, please contact us using the email address we have on file for you.

Part IV Problem Resolution. If problems arise; users may contact through the email address below. We are committed to resolving disputes within one week.

Part V Data Storage and Security. protects user information with the following security measures: we utilize the best encryption software in the industry to provide the highest level of protection for all transmitted personal and financial data. protects your personal information by using the most sophisticated encryption software on the market.

Through the encryption process, the information that you enter is converted into bits of code, thereby enabling your information to be securely transmitted over the Internet. Once we receive your information, it is returned to its original form and stored in our database. In-house, state-of-the- art servers ensure complete control over all systems.

If you have any further questions about privacy or security, please contact us by sending an email to:

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